Okay I am writing this blog after binge- watching and eating while sipping my Heineken

Its so depressing to know how people just do not treat you just like you treat them- and that hurts AF

All you do- you have them in mind- their well-being, their preferences, their liking, their favorite; but when tables turn; darn it! You are left all alone to self-loathe!

The more I said do what matters you the most. You are the center of your own life. You are the author of your own life- the more I end up in pitying myself and I hate that!

I was not born and designed for it- I am like a vessel without any expectations but yet it hurts as hell.

And knowing that nothing I can do to fix this and I would not be self- centered is both hurting and damn I am proud of myself!

Sometimes I wish I press on the  pause button and snooze about it.


Greetings from the UK. Sorry for your troubles. Life can be what we make of it!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
princesz mel said…
Hey there Andrew,

Thanks for your comforting words. Appreciate it much <3

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